2018 NAIPC

March 24th, 2018 | Categories: 2018 NAIPC

Here are the statements of the 2018 NAIPC Problem Set..

And, here is the data and judges’ reference solutions. There were three divisions, Invitational (Inv), and two Open (Opn USA/World). Also, the next day, the Russian Open Cup (Cup) series of contests used this problem set for their Grand Prix of America.

You can check out the results of the NAIPC and Open Cup contests.

Problem Judge Data Accepted Solutions
A: Cut it Out!

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 5 2/3 30
Submissions: 8 3/10 51
data accepted
B: Double Clique

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 6 5/2 34
Submissions: 13 43/4 167
data accepted
C: Flashing Fluorescents

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 9 11/2 60
Submissions: 27 60/7 244
data accepted
D: Missing Gnomes

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 43 117/22 99
Submissions: 59 301/60 113
data accepted
E: Prefix Free Code

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 33 44/11 93
Submissions: 179 376/73 189
data accepted
F: Probe Droids

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 3 4/0 22
Submissions: 35 29/0 79
data accepted
G: Rainbow Graph

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 0 0/0 0
Submissions: 6 10/0 20
data accepted
H: Recovery

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 32 40/7 80
Submissions: 99 162/23 246
data accepted
I: Red Black Tree

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 15 24/5 67
Submissions: 38 100/15 162
data accepted
J: Winter Festival

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 0 2/0 9
Submissions: 7 3/0 35
data accepted
K: Zoning Houses

Inv Opn Cup
Solutions: 28 38/7 87
Submissions: 107 171/8 174
data accepted
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